10 May 2007


It's Madness

To hate all roses
Because got scratched with one thorn..
To give up on your dreams

Because one didn't come true..
To give up on your efforts

Because one of them failed..
To condemn all your friends

Because one betrayed you..
Not to believe in love

Because one wasn't faithfullor didn't love you back..
To throw away all your chances to be Happy

Because you didn't succeed on the first attempt..
Remember Always..
Another chance may come up..

Another friend..
A new love..
A renewed strenght..
Be persistent..
Look for Happiness in everywhere..
The sure path of failure is to give up !

It's often through failure that Future success comes


SomeOne said...

ضيفي حلى حالات الجنون دي حالتي

micheal said...

very nice words, yara
I hope I can apply them on my personal life
best wishes 4 u and sen my greetings 2 all

yara said...

it's madness
not to believe in shadi as a friend
coz you got betrayed by one of your friends
i think you are a good friend shadi and that no one is upset or mad at you don't be so sensitive ok?

thanks alot
how is the result of the job interview
did get any calls or something??
anyway i hope that every thing will be okey with you soon and you will be in a perfect position just don't worry

el2ahwagi said...

wise words.. !!

If we took the challenge....

the more we fail...
the more persistent we become ..

Anonymous said...

Dear yara ,

As i told you yesterday it is a great poem. It is a everlasting question, what we feel and what we think if we find out that some which we love and trust, is unfaithful, in the first place you feel sad i think, i have the experince. But it does not mean that everybody is unfaithful. It takes time to trust people agian. Thanks for the wonderful post, and good luck with finishing your study. Greeting to Samar and Mona. Have a nice day my dear


micheal said...

unfortunately..no reply as usual..thx 4 asking and following..u r really nice
hope so i ll find the good job
best wishes 4 u
take care

Mohamed said...

كنت محتاج اقرا الكلام ده .. ولما قريته لقيت نفسي مش عارف أنفذه ..
كده أبقى مجنون ؟؟
بس كلام جميل .. تحياتي

الربان said...


تحياتي....كلام جميل يشحذ الهمم...و يقوي العزيمة...و اسمحي لي ان أستعير تعبيرك ...( لازم الواحد يعافر مع الدنيا و لا يستسلم) .

و أضيف ان التجربة غير الناجحة ليست نهاية العالم...بل هي خبرة جديدة في الحياة...أستفيد منها...و دافع جديد للنجاح.

تحياتي و شكري و تقديري

yara said...

and it's also the more we fail the more we learn
and life's experiances are valuable even if they were tough or difficult

but its not only about love experiances
its also about giving second chances in whatever we are going through

just wait till it's time
And be sure that God will be always with you and won't forget you

آه مجنون
عشان لازم تصدق من جواك إن التجارب اللى عديت عليك ديه ما كانتش تجربة و خلاص لاْ لازم تستفيد من أجمل ما فيها و كمان من أوحش ما فيها
كمان لازم تنسى و تقاوم و تحاول تانى
الضربة اللى ما تكسرش تقوى
مش كدة و لا إيه؟

طبعاً متفقة معاك

Anonymous said...

Dear yara,

Of course i am a gree with you it is not only about love experince, it generaly about giving secocnd chances in general. I think it is also dependese who makes the mistake? and what kind of mistake someone has done? it has als to do with what is the consquens of someones falut.

Micheal ,

Are you looking for a new job? good luck my der.


Als best wishes and good luck for you with finishing your study and finding job after that.

Nice day for all of you


yara said...

thanks shreif
and i wish you also all the luck in the world
take care

SomeOne said...

أنا مررتلك تاج

Anonymous said...

نار بتاكل فيا اكل
انى ادمر كل عقل
و الجنون
يبقى القانون
و الدمار للكون ده حل
عن اغنية"بركان غضب" لمحمد فؤاد مش عارف مين كاتبها الصراحة
بس بجد بجد
كلاماتك روعة
و حسك مرهف
تحياتى يارا

Mohamed said...

أنا معاكي إن الضربة اللي متكسرش تقوي .. بس أوقات بييجي للواحد تبلد كده يبقى زي سوري يعني (الحمار) ياكل ضرب وهو متنح ..
طيب ولو الضربة بجد تكسر ولازم تكسر .. يبقى إيه الحل ..؟
أنا على فكرة متفق معاكي ومقتنع بكلامك جدا بس العيب فيا أنا ..
باي :)

صاحب البوابــة said...

مررت بمدونتك الجميلة

فأحببت أن القي السلام

تحياتي يارا

yara said...

ميرسى على التدبيسة إنشاء الله ها أعمله قريب

أحمد مختار عاشور:
متشكرة مووت على كلامك
و عاجبانى قوى أغنية فؤاد بس أول مرة أسمع عنها

أنا أكتر واحدة ممكن أفهمك فى موضوع إنك تبقى شايف سلبيات أو عيوب بس مش عارف تغيرها يش حاول

صاحب البوابة:
الله يسلمك

أحمد سلامــة said...

i can say
it's wonderful
did you watch the movie of PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS
i hope so

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.